
Tissue Defect Repair over the Achilles Tendon: Which Flap and which Graft?

One of the most challenging areas of urgency to reconstruct lower extremity injuries are soft tissue injuries over the Achillis tendon, where successful defect reconstruction must provide coverage that allows gliding and a cushioning that allows forces of ambulation. However thin enough to permit wearing of normal footwear. A local or regional Flaps combination of tendon substitutes with free muscular or fasciocutaneous flaps and free cutaneous flaps with tendon been described for the reconstruction have of complex defects. However even microsurgical repairs are associated with up to 20% range of complications requiring additional operative interventions.
Five cases of moderate -major defects of the soft tissue overlying the Achillis tendon are presented all of which were ambulant patients with expectations of a normal life who were referred to Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Hospital for surgical intervention.

Author(s): Halbony H, Ceviz M, Dincgozoglu A and Bekerecioglu M

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