
A Case of Eccrine Porocarcinoma, Located in the Breast: The Pitfalls Reviewed

Evidence on eccrine porocarcinoma (EPC) was revised in response to the case of a 74-year old patient, presenting with an EPC located in the breast and initially treated with local excision only. She was referred to our center after loco-regional recurrence, but re-excision with lymphadenectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy to a dose of 66 Gy failed to obtain loco-regional control.

EPC is a rare disease, occurring in 0.005-0.01% of all skin cancers. The probability of misdiagnosis is high, especially in case of an unusual primary site of tumour location. Clinical and histological diagnosis encompasses a large list of differential diagnoses. Treatment primarily consists of surgery, with lymphadenectomy in case of unfavorable characteristics. No evidence exists for adjuvant systemic or loco-regional treatment.


Chris Monten, Jolien Berwouts, Liv Veldeman, David Creytens and Geert Braems

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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