
The Use of Demineralized Dentin Matrix as a Graft Material After Extraction Clinical Case

The main purpose of this case report is to evaluate the procedure and effectiveness of using the patient’s own Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) as a graft material for socket preservation. After atraumatic extraction of unrestorable remaining teeth and roots, only sound teeth are used in this protocol. The procedure consists of cleaning and drying the caries free tooth that is composed of mostly dentin, and then grinds it immediately using a specially designed machine, in our case we used the Tooth Transformer device. The dentin particles of 300-1200 um are sieved through a special sorting system. Autogenously demineralized dentin particles grafted immediately after extractions can be considered as the gold standard for socket preservation, bone augmentation and bone defects correction. Along with minimally invasive techniques and taking advantage of the regenerative power that encloses the patient´s own tooth, we will try to change the paradigm and give a reasonable alternative to more risky techniques and with greater morbidity for the patient.


Sherif Nesma, Quevedo Miguel and Suarez Jose Maria

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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