
Cerebral Stroke with Sepsis during COVID-19 Infection

Aim: Case report includes the stroke with sepsis during the Covid 19 infection in a male patient of 70 years age. 

Introduction: This is a patient hospitalized for covid 19 interstitial pneumonia. After a few days of therapy with oasegeno, antivirals and hydroxychloroquine, the patient was discharged.  He returned to the emergency department for confusion, fever and dysarthria.  The tac finding of ischemic and hemorrhagic areas has placed us in great difficulty regarding therapeutic treatment.

Conclusion: Although neurological symptoms are not frequent in coronavirus epidemics, the high number of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection may explain the presence of the virus in the central nervous system and increase the probability of early or delayed onset neurological symptoms. Follow-up of patients with the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic should include careful assessment of the central nervous system.


Mangiatordi Francesca* , Beccara Lia and Cuzzoli Antonio

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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